How to Survive the 3 Most Common Holiday Stressors


Do the holidays totally stress you out? If so, you are not alone. Many people say that the holiday season is the most stressful time of the year. While this time of year can be filled with aspects of fun, sharing and joy, they can also wreak havoc on your wellness routine and cause some old patterns to trickle back in or, even worse, you might completely neglect self-care. This is not good and can leave you feeling burned out, tired and may even leave your more susceptible to illness.

Today I am offering this survival guide to the holidays as a reminder to focus on your health and wellbeing while covering the most stressful elements of the season: disruption in wellness routines, financial strain and travel anxiety.


The foundations of wellness are nutrition, sleep, movement and relaxation. When you have a routine that balances each of these, infused with some intentional self-care, you most likely feel well, live well and create inner and outer wellbeing. The holidays tend to disrupt each of these routines! We all know it can be something of a domino effect where if one piece is disrupted all of the others are consequently negatively impacted. An example would be, if I am over tired from not getting enough sleep I may skip my AM exercise in order to get a few extra zzz’s. Because I’m still tired I may go for that extra cup (or two) of coffee—increasing my sugar intake and now disrupting my nutrition. With all the extra sugar and caffeine I can’t focus during my daily meditation and it is hard to fall asleep at night… So that’s the domino effect. Here’s how you can catch it before it completely derails!

·      Create a meal plan for each week and be sure to highlight where the vegetables and fruits exist within this plan. Even if you indulge in some holiday treats, you will still be well nourished!

·      Make your bedtime consistent, aim for 7-8 hours per night.

·      Maintain a simple exercise routine, even 10 minutes of stretching, taking the stairs or anything at all is better than nothing!

·      Do a 1-5 minute meditation before bed. Insight timer is a great app has a TON of free guided meditations, or you can use their timer to stay on track! If meditation is not how you decompress, give yourself some form of intentional relaxation in any way that you can, an epsom salt bath, reading, taking a walk, sipping chamomile tea…

Use the tools that work best for you and keep it simple, but whatever you do, don’t give up on your wellness routines, this is the time of year you need these routines the most!!


There is a reason the commercials start getting us in the holiday spirit super early. They want us to buy stuff, and a lot of it. Which is totally fine so long as it does not come along with financial strain, debt and regret. While yes it is fun to give and receive, there is no need to do it out of guilt and without the financial means to make it feel good. Here are some suggestions to reduce your financial stress and strain this holiday season.

·      Set a realistic budget and STICK TO IT.

·      Get creative. Making gifts such as ornaments, bookmarks, writing letters, creating playlists, getting crafty, baking or anything handmade with love is a great way to give! Who doesn’t love something handmade?

·      Choose thoughtfulness over extravagance. Consider what might be a meaningful gift over a bunch of smaller items to open. While lots of packages might look fun to open, the gifts that are most meaningful will be remembered and used throughout the year. (You can click HERE for suggestions on how to give the gift of wellness.)

·      Choose experiences over gifts. Enjoy a holiday dinner out or take a trip to a holiday show rather than exchange gifts. Maybe volunteer with friends and family somewhere where you can make a difference, this will take your mind off of wanting and get you into a space of serious gratitude. Spending time together is more memorable than a new shirt and other random items. This can create fun traditions that focus on quality time over financial expense.

Whether or not the financial means are there, you might enjoy getting creative and experiences over going shopping!


Traveling during the holidays can be tremendously anxiety provoking as we all have busy schedules and traveling can become one more thing on the to-do list. Here are some travel strategies that can help to ease your anxious mind.

·      Practice deep breathing to help keep your nervous system in balance. If you need a resource, you can follow my 5-minute guided diaphragmatic breathing practice HERE! This is useful on a plane, train, in a car or even at the dinner table! Deep breathing is free, calming and always available.

·      Pack light, book your plans early and take the extra day off of work.

·      Travel with healthy snacks that give you sustained energy like fruits and veggies and nuts and seeds. If you become hangry while traveling, you will feel just that much more unpleasant.

·      If traveling is too much, create a time other than the specific holiday to travel when the fares are lower, and the days are less hectic.

·      Don’t skimp on your wellness routines. While traveling you might over-eat, under-exercise, under-sleep or skip your relaxation altogether. This will make it that much more difficult to bounce back from any traveling exhaustion. Even if there is one area you can maintain, that will set up you for feeling better than if it all goes away!

Whatever your plans are for this hectic holiday season, I hope you remain, healthy, happy and full of gratitude. Whatever you do, don’t forget to breathe!

Good Mood Food (Delicious Recipe Included!)


Have you ever heard the sayings “good food, good mood” or “junk food, junk mood?” These are not just cute catch phrases; they are indeed true!

The food you eat literally makes up your cells, tissues and organs and if you are taking in nutrient dense, whole, healthy foods you are creating a foundation for the building blocks of healthy cells, tissues and organs. If you feel that you have not been nourishing your body like it might prefer to be nourished, no need to panic. Luckily, our bodies are amazing and usually respond super well to healing when given half a chance. So today, I’ll try to inspire you to eat well in order to feel well, in body and mind. Consider foods you can add that create these positive feelings, not what you have to restrict or take away.

There is a lot of disconnect in modern healthcare. One practitioner might say that food does not impact health or wellbeing mentally or physically, and yet there is a ton of research out there demonstrates that it does—in a seriously significant and tremendously impactful way.

The nutrients we take in through our food (and possibly supplements) are responsible for the development and flow of hormones, neurotransmitters, and our organs. Doesn’t that make it only logical that when we take in mostly whole, healthy foods that we will have a mostly whole, healthy body and mind?

Refined grains, sugars and artificial colors and flavors have been shown to have a negative impact on your blood sugar levels, health of your cells and tissues which can increase anxiety and cause a negative mood. When you eat, your body anticipates that its nourishment needs will be met through the foods you eat. When your body does not get the nutrients that it needs to create healthy cells, tissues and organs it may begin a cycle of cravings to attempt to get what it needs or to return to balance.

You have the power—on a daily basis—to choose your health over what’s convenient, what’s cheap and what may seem to have tasty “flavor.” When you cleanse your palate from the refined foods, artificial sugars and flavors, they no longer really taste quite so good! When you readjust your taste buds to natural sweeteners that live in fresh fruit and whole foods, those other sweets often taste way too sweet. One of my most favorite moments as a wholistic food therapist was when I had someone agree to stop diet soda for two weeks and switch to water for a variety of health reasons. When she tasted the diet drink after two weeks, she was revolted by how terrible it tasted to her after this simple shift!

Many of those I work with to create more balance in mind and body notice an improvement in their energy levels, mood and sleep—which are always welcomed improvement and shifts within their lives. They also notice that they get fewer colds and other illnesses throughout the year! They notice that they have more inner strength (because they are listening to their bodies and feel strong and empowered by their choices) and they even report improved skin and a shift into a more positive body image (and not just because of any weight loss, but because they are treating their body with more respect through their choices!) These all occur incidentally on the journey towards improved mental and physical welling. By making small changes over time (that do not have to be radical or restrictive) in what they choose to eat, they get a huge payoff in the long run.

One positive shift often encourages another. Most people find that when they are eating better, they feel better mentally and physically and their energy improves making it more desirable to move their bodies, to spend more time engaged socially and enjoying hobbies and things that bring fulfillment. Just by intending to improve mood through food has a positive domino effect into all other areas of wellbeing!

Below are some nutrients required for mental wellbeing with whole food sources you can eat to obtain these nutrients. When possible, choose local, organic and closest to the land sources you can find. Local farmer’s markets and health food stores are a great place to shop for staples that you love!

When I first work with people, I do not encourage any reduction or restriction in these changes. I always begin by focusing on what to add that supplies the body with nutrients and creates the positive desired changes over time. Once you continue to add in the good stuff, often there is not so much room for the not-so-good-for-you stuff. Once you feel better, you most likely will want to continue to make choices that help to maintain this because we all know, it feels good to feel good!

Choose one area to start, one food to add and once you find that you are enjoying it, in a week or so, add another. Let me know what foods you choose, I’d love to hear!

Nutrients + Food Sources to Improve Your Food + Mood 

Folic Acid: Found in leafy greens and cruciferous veggies (kale, broccoli, arugula, spinach, swiss chard…) asparagus, citrus fruits, beans, peas, lentils, okra, brussel sprouts, nuts and seed, beets, celery, carrots and squash, eggs, avocado

B-6: Whole grains, herbs, spices, pistachios, garlic, liver, tuna, salmon, cod, sunflower and sesame seeds

B-12: Grass-fed beef, liver and chicken, fish such as trout, salmon, tuna and clams, sardines, yogurt, cheese, eggs

Omega 3’s or Essential fatty acids: Fish such as Mackerel, Sardines, Anchovy, Salmon, Trout, Herring, Kippers, Tuna, Ground Flax seeds, Pumpkin seeds, Chia seeds, Hemp seeds, Walnuts (they even look like a brain!)

Vitamin C: Berries, red peppers, black currants, hot chili peppers, guavas, fresh herbs, dark leafy greens, kiwis, papayas

Tryptophan: Chicken, turkey, cheese, tuna, tofu, eggs, nuts, seeds, bananas, egg yolks

Vitamin K: Leafy greens such as broccoli, spinach, kale, collards, chard, brussels sprouts

Protein: Meat, seafood, dairy, beans, whole grains, nuts and seeds

More Brain Foods: Blueberries, Tomatoes, Sage, Olive oil, Dark Chocolate (Yes!), Garlic, Fermented foods such as Kefir, yogurt, fermented vegetables, kombucha

Water: And lastly, stay hydrated! When we are dehydrated the brain tissue actually shrinks. Several studies have shown that dehydration can affect cognitive function. It can also impair short-term memory, focus and decision making. This will help you stay healthy mentally and emotionally!

Brain Power Smoothie Recipe:

1 cup fresh or frozen blueberries (you may want to add ice if using fresh)

1/2 banana

1 teaspoon powdered dark chocolate or raw cacao powder

1 tablespoon ground flax seed

1-2 cups loosely pack fresh leafy green such as spinach, chard and kale

1 cup plain unsweetened coconut milk (or kefir) 

Blend and enjoy!

Growing Your Inner Strengths to Transform Your Life


Now that we’ve covered the six primary inner strengths, it’s time to integrate them into the fabric of our being so we are more able to live in a space of happiness, contentment and peacefulness. Let’s examine how to use these six inner strengths to help grow out of and overcome our weaknesses. 

Growing internal strengths is work—l mean, sometimes really hard work. Growing inner strength requires self-awareness, a desire to change, and putting in effort consistently to make it happen. Let’s face it, change is hard, demanding and often painful. However, is change even more painful than living in space of discomfort, avoidance and struggle? What is the real cost to you within your life to NOT change? If you desire to transform your life, change is necessary.

Of these six inner strengths (remember that there are a whole lot of other inner strengths—these are just the primary ones that I’ve focused on over the last several posts), did any stand out to you that you’d like to build? Did you notice if each already exist within your being and how you approach your life? I know the desire to possess each of them is strong for me, however, I did notice how some of them were not as super solid within me as I applied them to myself! One of the ways that I most live within my personal authenticity is when I am practicing self care and growing on all levels. Examining these inner strengths made me come face to face with how complacent I can be with my weaknesses—which then causes me to not live within my authenticity—yikes! An opportunity to grow is exciting and scary at the same time, right? 

Spend some time examining your current life a bit. Reflect on the following thought questions and journal out your answers if you like:

  • Where do you hold yourself back from your dreams?

  • If you applied these inner strengths to how you approach your relationship with food, what did you notice in relation to each of the strengths and how they could help improve this relationship?

  • Where do you feel the most struggle within your life?

  • Where are you hiding or what are you hiding from?

  • What limiting beliefs do you hold onto about yourself and/or your life?

When you allow yourself to really answer these questions, you will find valuable information about where you are ready to grow and evolve into you…only better! This is where your true self is longing to level-up, to create greater consciousness. When you do this, you first will go through the temporary discomfort of stepping out of your comfort zone. Once you pass this temporary discomfort, you are able to experience the freedom of living within the authenticity of your true self and ultimately create more comfort and pleasure.

Begin by selecting one area within yourself that you might consider to be a weakness. One of my primary weakness—as I perceive it anyway—is impatience…(my husband verified this for me.) Then determine which inner strength would help to manage that weakness and ultimately build it into an inner strength. For me, in order to help improve my impatience, I’d like to build temperance (along with all of the others!) Check within yourself and go into any areas where you might avoid noticing your perceived weakness(es). Awareness is always the first step!

Just as a reminder, the six inner strengths we’ve been exploring are:

1.    Curiosity: Allowing continued growth of knowledge and wisdom

2.    Vitality: Allowing continued growth of courage as well as mind & body wellbeing

3.    Giving and Receiving Love: Allowing continued growth of love, trust, openness and affirmation for yourself and others 

4.    Temperance: Allowing continued growth of acceptance, forgiveness & compassion

5.    Gratitude: Allowing for continued growth to release the state of wanting and desire and creating a grateful perspective that what you have is enough. This creates transcendence and deeply releases anxiety.

6.    Hope & Faith: An inner belief that all will be well without having to control your circumstances. This is the experience of surrender, which is deeply personal and spiritual.

Once you’ve selected one area that needs work (identified a weakness)—and one area to build (identified useful inner strength)—let yourself dive into it. Spend time in reflection about your perception of your weakness and how growing this particular inner strength can help to improve your internal experience and your interaction within your own life. Spend time journaling and talking to others about their perceptions of you (yes, get some—at times hard to hear—feedback!) Begin incorporating daily practices to build this particular inner strength starting today. Give yourself time. Be patient (note to self!) and allow yourself to grow with effort, determination and a focus on why you want to create this strength within.

How will you know when the inner strength has become integrated? It will become evident to you in how you communicate with yourself and others, the choices you make and how others respond to you. Leveling up your consciousness and your life is a lifelong journey and worth the effort. You always have the choice to change or remain right where you are…what will you choose?